No animals were harmed in the making of this Christmas Day blog. But all the other victims will be vegetables. As shown in the photo, it looks like reconstructive surgery is all that can save Mrs Potatohead now. Horrible accident. Just horrible. Worse than that whole Humpty Dumpty incident a while back. Thank God for the trusty, confident hands of intern surgeon Elijah Fisher. Sure he's young, but what skill! See that look of determination? Actually, thats more like the watchful eye of a kid whose sister is about to get into his huge cache of new toys!
What a great day! I got there just in time for food! And they made a great batch of chili. I just had another bowl a minute ago. Leftovers! Thanks Sis! I pity da fool who works with me after 3 bowls of Goooooooood Chili! My Dad and his other family made it later, gifts were passed, and everyone had a great time. Every one loved the film to dvd gift of old family movies I gave this year. And I got a lot of great quality playtime with the kids. I still cant believe how fast they grow up. The twins were enjoying the plastic velcro cover on the box more than the actual gift last year, this year they seemed to enjoy the gift more than the wrapping. Go figure! Got some great gifts myself this year. A really cool picture from Georgette . Thanks again! An incredible break in price on the film to dvd's. Thanks Kyle at Firestormfilms! A Dewalt 14.4 volt qick charge drill set from Boss! Thanks Bob! Clothes from Ma! (you're never too old!) A couple gift cards, and my first matching coffee cup set. Thanks Steve! I'm somebody! Pretty fancy, till I get more than four people over for coffee, then someones getting the big plastic Citgo travel mug. Well, its back to work tomorrow, so I better shut up and crash. Merry Christmas and Happy New year!