from the back of the cosmic junk drawer
Thursday, March 27, 2008

What a great way to get me to post! Thanks, Gette! So I just have to tell you seven random things about myself.
I am left handed.
I am a veteran of Desert Storm. I am not a huge fan of the recent war, though.
I am a phone call and pop in guy, but am slowly becoming a texter and emailer. Conform, dammit, I must conform!!!!!
My favorite websites to listen to are RadioLab, never not funny, Le Show, This American Life, Decoder Ring Theatre, and
I have controlled high blood pressure. My heart beats too fast. Probably from having to try to push all the Toblerone and Taco bell sludge through my arteries.
I am a firm believer that normal is boring. I tend to gravitate towards the quirky, weird, and misunderstood... and put myself at the top of the list.
I suffer from a bad case of habitual procrastination. Its the main reason it took me a week to reply to being tagged!

Well, I hope this was halfway interesting. Its amazing how hard it is to come up with 7 random things!
Rants, ideas, ponderings, and generally one sided views from a perpetually misinformed small town, big city, then small town again type of guy who is just plain trying to get it all figured out.

My Photo
Location: Montevideo, Minnesota, United States

Ive been described as handy, witty, generous, and a smooth talker. Now if any of its true or they were just being nice, I dont know.

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