from the back of the cosmic junk drawer
Friday, June 06, 2008
Came home last night about 10pm last night and the power was out due to storms. I immediately felt very hobbled by my own life. I was humbled. Immediately. I had plans to jump online, nuke something to eat, and probably fall asleep in front of the tv. All of those plans were cancelled. Oh wait, I'm supposed to say "I went green". I stumbled around and found some candles, (thanks again for the cool christmas gift of a homemade candle in a christmas coffee cup, Gette!) I cooked some turkey on the stove, read by candlelight, ate my turkey sammich, and was all ready for my new green life to start when the lights went on. I of course, put the book down, and decided to see what was on tv. It only took 20 seconds to jump back into the old life! It amazed me how spoiled we are! Power at the flick of a switch. And how screwed we are when it all goes away! I was even in a little bit of denial. Was it just my house thats out? I looked at all the neighbors houses and they of course were out too. I watched a great South Park episode a few nights ago about this very thing. Say what you want about South Park but its a very inciteful show at times! The whole community freaked out when all of the internet went out. Somefolks jumped on the oregon trail and headed west to Californy because there was word of internet still out there! Its a farce of course but I kind of share the same common idea right now. Its a complete shock when my little electric world gets turned upside down for just an hour. You immediately think now what do I do? All my plans changed. I dont mean to make a huge deal out of this, but it really got me thinking about how really lucky we are and how much of our lives actually depend on electricity. And when some of us decide to rough it and get away from it all and go camping. What do we bring with us? For some of us we have Fifth wheel campers that are just smaller versions of our homes. Actually I have seen campers that are nicer than my house, but due to my not wanting to completely bum myself out, I am not going to dwell on that idea at all! So, I suppose I should get going. Gotta go see how much generators are. Just kidding.
Our last outage had the girls making smores over candles. Good stuff.
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