from the back of the cosmic junk drawer
Thursday, April 03, 2008
I think. The snow is gone. Kids are jumping other kids in the street on skateboards. And I think I saw some grass poking through some mud and snow. And I had a fleeting thought of turning off the space heater this morning. Maybe tomorrow. The sun was out for the whole day today! Wow! I actually get in a better mood this time of year! Good times!

I have been working for a friend of mine the last few weeks fixing up this house he bought at an auction. Its got a great little cabin in the back where I have been doing most of the work. Painting, new tile floor, cleaning, some new trim, the whole ball of wax. it always been great working for friends. Their the best bosses! They buy you lunch, feed you supper, and stop by to visit. I almost feel guilty charging him. Almost. Its going really well. And its got a few challenges where I get to be a little crafty with extra trim. Cooool. Its the small things like that wich make the job interesting!

Oh, the times are a changin'! I was having lunch with a freind of mine today who has done a huge amount of work on his place in town. He recently got it appraised and found out that it is worth the same amount as when he bought it due to the current housing market depreciation. Im talking full basement renovation, new shingles, and siding. Same price. Used to be if you painted your house it went up in value! Not anymore. This worries me about where this country is heading. Well, I have been worried before, but this makes it even more bleak for the old housing market. Not good at all. Makes me pretty happy I own my own house. Count your blessings, friends!

Weelllllll, thats gonna do it for tonight. Have a great day, and you can still get in one really dirty snowman before it all returns to green grass and budding trees!
Dirty snowman? The visual image is scary.
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