If you want all your wishes and dreams to come true, send this blog to ten people in 10 minutes.
Sound pretty stupid huh?
I get so freakin tired of opening up my email and finding the internet version of the chain letter. Oh, and the grandaddy of em all titled If I dont get this back, your a non believing heathen or something like that. Im gonna do some serious ranting here so belt the kids in, turn down the volume, and put the delicious beverage you are enjoying in a spillproof container. I think its high time to put an and to forwards about good things happening to people just because they sent on this message of complete crap to 10 friends. I have 10 freinds, thats not the problem. In fact I still HAVE 10 friends because I dont send them promises of wealth, fame, fortune, good health, and to not die in a horrible freak accidents because I didnt care enough to send it on! Now, I will be honest, early on in my days of emailing, I did pass on a few urban legends, but I learned my lesson. I just wish the rest of the population was on the same page. In fact, I remember trying to keep Saved by an Angel or something on the air by sending this message on only to find that it was cancelled long ago and the person who started the whole fight was, well... dead. I say this not to embarrass myself but to prove a point. That we all get a little happy with cluttering up inboxes with crap that has been going around since Al Gore invented the internet. I know, I know, he didnt really. I know people who believe that forwarding some one an email about Angels, freinds, and bunnies is the same thing as sending an actual"Hi! Hows it going? I am busy myself. Dont forget about lunch with me on Friday" email! I guess my main point is, If you want something good to happen to you, if you fear something bad will happen to you, and if you want to find out more about Angels, freinds, and miracles, Pray and read the bible, there you will truly have a much better chance of good things happening to you, than pure superstition. And you get to keep your friends. Dont get me wrong, I still enjoy emails about how much George Bush is a Dumbass, How cold it is, Getting to know your friends better, and hilarious cartoons and videos, just nothing about how much better my life will be if I send this on to other folks. If I agree, I reserve the right to agree silently, and maybe a chuckle or two. And the thing that really pisses me off is when you actually tell the person you dont want or like the chain letter forwards, AND THEY STILL KEEP SENDING THEM! COME ON! What more do I have to do! Send a registered snail mail that they have so sign for, so I know they get the message? Dude! Seriously! Am I the only one out there? Let me know. Well, I feel better. I am about outta steam. Ahhhhhhhh... so this is why people blog. Oh, and just to be sure folks get the message could you send this on to... Ha, just kidding. Pray, talk to God, be a good friend, and do your best to be good person. Thats your best bet to true fortune.