from the back of the cosmic junk drawer
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Twins win!!!! I had the pleasure of hanging out with a few friends and my Dad at a great Twins game last night. A good time was had by all. Here is a good shot of our seats.
Not too shabby huh?
It was kind a long day for everyone. We used ipastor's vangina because we could get everyone in it. Thanks again, man! I still get comp tickets from the radio station I used to work at. So I brought ipastor, daughter of ipastor, my no account brother in law, Craig, and my Dad. Here is a picture of no account brother in law (said with love, of course), Me, and my Dad. Striking family resemblance between me and Dad, huh? (On a side note the most white trash thing heard this last Christmas was from my half sister when after Dad and I were done taking a picture together, she said in her best newfound North Carolina accent, "Sure can tell you two are related. Y'all got the same teeth missing and everything!" True story.

After the game, ipastor, daughter, and I left the Stadium and ended up losing the rest of the gang for about five minutes. Just enough time to call their cell phone and no luck, except for getting one daughter who probably still thinks her father is still lost in a strip club. Sorry... I couldnt help myself. Anyway, the Twins are doing fairly decent so far this year. Ya win some, ya lose some. I am just happy to have gotten to taste a Famous Dave's dog again this year! It's like six pounds of meat! WOW! freakin awesome! It's also 6 bucks, but some things are worth it!

Well, thats it for now. Have a great day. Your friend in left field, Cosmic Junkie
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