from the back of the cosmic junk drawer
Monday, February 19, 2007
Some days it sucks to be me. This was pretty much my day. I'm not complaining, but... This morning I woke up at 4 freakin' 11 am so I could join a friend at the gym, got there a half hour later, worked out, got to the hotel to a big fat leak in the ceiling, left it for the real professionals, did some other maintenance stuff, went to the big box store 45 minutes away with Boss, came back, put some ceiling tile in after the leak, helped boss drop a bunch of stuff at his house. And that wasnt a half bad day. This is where it turned into a really bad day. I went home. I found out quickly that my one cat still has worms. You figure out how. I tried to put that outta my mind and deal with that later. I bought a new, used washer a few days ago and finally had time to put it in! Excited about putting in my new, used, washer, I started right away. I hauled it into my bedroom. You might think that's weird, it being in my bedroom and all, but its better than the kitchen. To make a long story short, none of the holes lined up, no matter how hard I stretched the water hoses! Same thing with the drain line. I got the damn washer as tight as I could to the wall, and trying to make my big fat hands put the hoses on while its up against the wall! Mhw !2&*&*^^$fuc@&^&87 washer and whatnot came out of my mouth faster than the cats could run for cover! I immediately cursed myself for becoming a nonsmoker! 4 and a half months without a damn camel almost went up in a puff of smoke if I lived any closer to town. I seriously believe I was being tested folks! Anyway, an hour later, and 4 new bigger holes in the wall, I have it all hooked up, leveled, and water rushing in like a champ, and I am praying for a miracle, because the old owner said it might not drain water right away. That was the least of my problems. It didnt even fu#$^$$ng move... at all! much less drain! So I got it unhooked, on the dolly, tipped it back, careful not to leak anywater through the house, and things are looking good till I got it in the living room and it gets caught on the rug. Yep, you guess it, water spilling all over. Thank God I had plenty of dirty towels around to sopp it up! I finally get it outside and decide, hey, I'll just tip it over here and it will make it easier to load in the truck. My decision was quicker than my fingers and they got smashed between a washer filled with 10 gallons of water, dolly, and concrete. LOL, yeah, guess who lost! My finger. Actually just half the fingernail. So I get to keep a trophy... a fuc%^i#ng memento if you will. A smoke sure would have gone good right about now. It became pretty clear that this many things going wrong was truly testing my faith. I kept planning in my mind how I would drop this washer off in town and go get a pack of smokes. Then I would shoot down the plan and decide to drop it off tomorrow. So I am still a pretty pissed off nonsmoker, but I would like to thank you for reading my story. It helps me cope just writing about it and getting it all out there. I aint perfect. No where near it. And at least 4 to 5 times a day I seriously think about going back on my promise to God not to smoke anymore. The good side is, besides my being a hell of a lot healthier, and not being a slave to some nicotine slinging, government ass kissing, "playing by the rules", cancer providing, smooth tobacco supplier, I can breath a little easier knowing that I got through one more day without putting another nail in my coffin. The funny thing is, I will probably die from a washer falling on me from the back of a truck tomorrow!
That was seriously worth the wait to read! If you want to try out the other washer, come over and we can hook it up here first to make sure...
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Rants, ideas, ponderings, and generally one sided views from a perpetually misinformed small town, big city, then small town again type of guy who is just plain trying to get it all figured out.

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Location: Montevideo, Minnesota, United States

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