Well, I am back from a week in the Twin cities and am working on a few small jobs here. Ahhh, it was great to visit with freinds while I was up there, but its also good to be back. I even thought I had Directv hooked up yesterday but I was mistaken. I bought it and 3 more recievers from my buddy who had recently switched to cable. I hooked them up and even got a signal AND programming! so I was hesitant to call to get it put in my name right away. I, instead, went to work and came back later to find no more free programming. Bummer. So much for riding free radio waves for a while. anyway, It was too late call so I will just do it tomorrow. Today, I called and got bounced around Directv central like anyone would. After finally landing in the call center from Hell, I end up with Miss Slack-jaw-yokle. And the conversation goes like this.
Miss Slack-jaw-yokle: Hello, my name is Miss Slack-jaw-yokle. Your phone number and account number please?
Me: My phone number is 3..0.72...4....0... and the account number is 294857-75-267-76-56969886965, but its the old owners account number. See I bought it from him and set it up at my house. Its working, I have a good signal, and even had some free programming already, Ha Ha! I just want to get the service connected, account in my name and a new plan. And the gal I was talking to before sent me to you to buy a new card.
Miss Slack-jaw-yokle: And the old owners name?
Me: Craig Jf;f;j;jsiririrg...
Miss Slack-jaw-yokle: So your at the same address as him, just put in your name then?
Me: (Laughing. Deep breath. Relax) No, I bought it from him and I just want to get the service connected, account in my name and a new plan. I live about 20 miles away from him. She said I just need to buy a new card!
Miss Slack-jaw-yokle: Oh, I cant sell you a new card on a used system. We cant connect service on a used system.
Me: What? But it was working after I hooked it up! I had a signal and programming. All I need is to get the service connected.
Miss Slack-jaw-yokle: No, I'm sorry sir. We cant connect a new customer with used equipment. You cant use used equipment.
Me: Well, thats why they sent me to you, to give me a new computer card. Cant you just give me a new card?
Miss Slack-jaw-yokle: Its used equipment. We cant set up new customers on used equipment! You cant use used equipment!
Me: But it was working! I watched half of Brothers Grimm on encore and then I had to leave. When I came back, it was off!
Miss Slack-jaw-yokle: I'm sorry sir, but we cant.
Me: But it was working, already! Ya know, I used to have dish network, and then sold it to a friend of my mine. He didnt have to by a new card or anything. Just put it in his name.
Miss Slack-jaw-yokle: The only way a new customer can use used equipment is if they lease or buy a reciever and then add an additional recever. Then they can use a used receiver for one of the extra receivers. We currently have an offer to give you the dish and up to 4 receivers free. Would you like to go ahead and sign up for that today?
Me: (By now, laughing my ass off) Naw, thats okay, Lady, I think I will go ahead and go back to dish network! Life was a lot simpler and easier with them! I sure would like to thank you for your time, though! And your HEEEEEELP!
So, thats just the part of the conversation I can remember! I dont know if she was full of crap, tired, didnt want to take another call or what, but after that there is no way I am going with those guys. Screw that! If I have this much trouble with dish I quite possibly will freak out. And thats pretty much my night. I get 3 channels witha booster antennae out here in the sticks. And it all depends on the weather. I am out in the country so there is no cable to speak of and computer is dial up. It kind of like camping when all your friends are staying in a 4 star hotel. Sure, its fun for a while...