from the back of the cosmic junk drawer
Monday, January 29, 2007
No, seriously, what the hell is wrong with me.

The strangest stuff makes me laugh. I walk through a dark room to get to the kitchen, my foot hits something slightly firm, it meows really loud, and I see a black fuzzy blur shooting off to under the nearest chair, and I start laughing my ass off! Most folks would probably say sorry and comfort the offended feline, but I couldnt think of anything but how my cat cant seem to stay out of my big lumbering way when he's the one with the see in the dark superpowers! Unless he was sleeping. Then its still his own damn fault for sleeping in the middle of the floor. Stupid cat. Simple, stupid, funny cat. Hes 14 and still thinks something jumpy on a string is still fun. And hes the smart cat. the other one still reminds me of Patrick on Spongebob.
One of the other many things is I belong to a family who thinks static electricity is good clean fun. I was hanging out with my sister, her husband, and three kids and we start talking about static electricity and how if you sit on a certain couch in their house, rub your feet on the floor, and touch the kid with all the hair (as you see below) without touching the couch, you will actually hear the hair crackle and get a bit of a spark if you turn the light off. No one gets hurt, everyone gets a good laugh, and a free science lesson!

So I am pretty sure i have a really twisted sense of humor but the good thing is I know I am not alone. I hope.
Well… Since you asked…

How much time do you have?
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