Happy Christmas to you. Merry Hanukah, Happy kwanzaa. My buddy called and wished me a Happy Festivus. Seinfeld fans. We'll never die. However you celebrate the holidays, I wish you well. And now Happy New Year. Hmmmm. Time seems to be clipping right along, huh.
Ahhhhhhh, what a great morning. Thank you Lord for another day. And for sending Jesus to wash away my sins. Due to time and content restraints, we wont go in to them today. , Although, 2007 is wide open, I see. And thank you to all my friends and family for being so damn cool. Yesterday went to church, hungout with some good friends discussing a good title for some 8mm movies that Firestormfilms put to dvd for me. We finally decided on Denson Fuzzy Memories. I then went home, watched a bunch of movies, (Mallrats... remember mallrats? Fly, Fat ass, fly! Classic!) pigged out, surfed way too much, and was able to just hang out and do my own thing on Christmas Eve instead of getting sucked into someone elses personal, family get together. It's all about space, folks. I am a single guy. Everyone deserves their own Christmas. Even single people. Thats why I have such cool family and friends. Cause they get it. Now TODAY, well thats just a plain different story! I am getting ready to go to my sisters, visit with the whole damn family, eat too much, eat too much again, open gifts, wrestle with the kids, and end up doing the nice long famous Minnesota goodbye at the door. In case you dont know what the Minnesota Goodbye is, It goes as such, thanks to the urbandictionary.com. " The act applying to most Minnesotants while visiting others in which, when one person has to leave, they proceed to talk for another hour, then the departing party is walked to the front door, where they talk for another hour, then the departing party gets walked to their car while the host family talks to them through the car window for an hour, and finally the departing couple SLOWLY departs down the drive, yelling back & forth with the host family." That about wraps it up. We'll see ya later, den. Oh, wait, one more thing I was gonna ask ya...