from the back of the cosmic junk drawer
Friday, October 13, 2006
Happy freakin' annifreakin'versary to me! A whole week. No smokes. Usually I would have had a couple by now but not tell anybody and still don the nonsmoker halo. Not this time. No, no, no... Now its just me and God waiting to see if I will crack. He has a lightning bolt with my name on it, I just know it. I promised God I would quit smoking. Quitting smoking totally with no sneaked... snoked, snoken, ahhh... snuck, thats it, snuck smokes, reaaaaally bites. Thank you God for your patience. but you can save that lighning bolt for the politician of your choice. Heck just graze them ALL if you want. Scare em just a little. Go nuts. Sorry. shouldnt say that. But you were thinking it too. I am finally free of the sweet satisfiying taste of a Camel Wide. AHHhhhhhhhhh. Anyway, in my attempt to quit smoking its made me do some really strange things like being nice to my family, getting along great with my boss, and going to a high school football game just for the hell of it tonight. It was kinda fun. Sitting in 33 degrees and a cold wind with my ass frozen to a metal bleacher seat while weird looking parentless little kids move past me with painted faces and snot revealing cold white skin like a river running from the nostril cavern to the gulf of little Suzie was actually fun! In fact I was reminded of who I am today and who I was 20 years ago. Digging way to the back of the Cosmic Junk Drawer we find the happy fuzzy memory of a young Mark who got to go to the game, hang with friends, drink hot Dr. Pepper, spend all his money on cheap hot dogs, yell, wonder what this strange burning sensation is in my esophagus, laugh, wonder why the younger kids act like dorks, and never see one minute of the big game. Today, it was hang with friends, bitch about how freaking cold it is, yell, laugh, wonder why the younger kids act like dorks, drink hot chocolate, wish they would just run the clock out because they won like 36 to 7, try and beat the parking lot rush, and finally... have a pretty good idea what this strange burning sensation is in my esophagus is. Well, wish me luck. and now you will wonder if I snoke a smoke when you see a lightning flash in the distance. Or maybe it's George Bush.
You go, dude.
You couldn't have paid me enough to go to that game.
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