from the back of the cosmic junk drawer
Monday, September 18, 2006
Nothing much going on today. I do construction mostly. Anything from maintenance to framing. We are currently finishing up a remodel job in a big fancy house. Plenty of painting, patching, and trim. Thank god for inside work on a day like today! I think it broke 53 degrees. It was rainy, windy, and crappy for pretty much the whole day. I am starting to really worry about getting my own stuff done, new shingles, before it snows. I should at least buy the shingles now that gas prices have gone down. What does that have to do with petrol distillates, you say? Well, I'm glad you asked! The cost of a barrel of oil not only affects gasoline prices, but all of the other things made from oil. Like kerosene, diesel, propane, heating oil, and asphalt, wich is used in roads... and shingles. Tomorrow I will teach you how to make moonshine. Just kidding. All things are relative, dear oil consumers. So when you see everything going out of whack when BP, shell, or Exxon/Mobil decides they need a few extra bucks this week, thats why. Let me ask you something. Why is pizza bad for us? It seems like the perfect food. All of the OLD food groups are represented. (There is a crapload of new ones now like the donut group. and candy, I think candy is a new one. Its amazing what you learn from an 8 year old!) Its got vegetables, dairy, grains, and meat. Who could ask for anything more? Throw some pineapple on there, and its perfect. Speaking of perfect, I started a new junk drawer today. I might put that empty screwdriver holder up. Just wait. and pipe cleaners. Yeah. pipe cleaners. Has anyone ever used one of those to clean a pipe? Probably not. But they make really good twist ties. I find it amazing that some things actually get used for their intended purpose. We were putting in some ductwork at the hotel recently and honest to Gods truth, we didnt use duct tape. We used this specially made metallic, peel and stick, high grade tape made for duct work. Not the all purpose duct tape I was brought up on! That stuff you use on everything else! And I think I have only used a cement block on a wall a couple of times. All other times were used for jacking trucks, college shelves, and fire pits! And the best one I have seen in a while is a fuel pump and some hose to siphon gas. sure it pumped fuel, but not the way it was originally intended! Guy called it an "Oklahoma credit card". That killed me! But, ingenuity and straying from intended purposes are what made this land great. Or the reason they put "do not use in the shower" warnings on hair dryers.
No duct tape on the ductwork? Dude.
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Location: Montevideo, Minnesota, United States

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