If you ever wondered about whats the one thing that most normal people have in common... and I stress normal... here it is. We all have junk drawers. Physically, mentally, spiritually, we all got em. The one place where that theory, that black metal shiny thing you think came off of the new office chair but not sure where from exactly, or that unhappy memory of hanging by one foot from that elevator to your treehouse that you were positive was going to work, all goes to be dealt with later. Or till grandma comes with a butcher knife to cut you down from that foolproof elevator, without your consent. Problem solved. Maybe stuck behind the junk drawer. I dont know. I got rid of my kitchen bar this weekend. It was donated to the church as a coffee bar for in the back of the sanctuary. As I was cleaning it out, I emptied my junk drawer. And a fleeting thought ocurred to me to sort through it and find a new home for all this stuff. My next thought, and final one, for the junk drawer, was " find a box". Once again, problem solved! Sometimes a perfect system doesnt need to be tampered with. Just go with the flow, and find a box. Even people who live in boxes probably have a junk drawer to some point. Stuff that they are not sure when or if they will use. Maybe homeless people walk around thinking "A key. what am I doing with a key?" Anyways, a friend of mine talked me into starting a blog again, and I told her nothing interesting has happened lately and I wouldnt have anything to say. This is the best I could do for a first entry so I hope you enjoy it.