from the back of the cosmic junk drawer
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Spring is officially here. And I can tell by sleeping crappy for the last week. Something about this time of year gets me every time. The good news is it never lasts long.
But thats not why I have asked you all together here tonight. I need to discuss a serious problem. Sampling. Its been around for a long time now. Sampling affects a lot of people. And a lot of people think they can sample and get away with it with no repurcussions. Now I'm not here to tell you if its wrong or not, but some people abuse the right to sample with complete abandon. Take this story for example. I have a good friend of mine who owns a bakery/cafe. Just recently a new customer came up and complained to him that although his samples were very moist and delicious there were not enough of them and that she had eaten them all. he asked her what samples and she told him the lemonpoppy muffin samples on the counter. He had no idea what she was talking about until after another few minutes passed and he realized what happened. Two of his usuals, a mother and her son, were there earlier, and had put there empty baskets that hold the orders up on the counter after finishing. And this lady feasted on the nice moist crumbs of the other customers autistic son! So the next time you go for that free sample, ask yourself "self, where has this sample been?" Well, bon apetite'!
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Man, I get one snowplow stuck, and they tell me I cant plow snow next year!

Seriously though, this is how rough the storm was around here this week. This is winter in Minnesota all you spoiled little "under 10 inches of snow" whiners! Even snowplows are getting stuck! Well, this weekend went pretty well. I shoveled part of the day on Saturday, and today, was hanging out with friends at church. And I took in "Ghost Rider". I cant compare it to the old comic book cause I dont remember it, but I liked it a lot! A good friend of mine has a blog with lots of great snow info also. I should go and get a few things done. Just wanted to share this great pic and blog site of Gette's. have a good nite! Mark
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Well, the big storm is over, and as you see here, there is plenty of digging out to do. Crap. Normally, I like to exercise in a nice warm dry environment, but you gotta mix it up a little bit once in a while.

Good to see the suns finally out though. I sure do miss the Jeep. Nothing like having a 4wd vehicle ... in the shop. Stupid clogged cooling system. Stupid me for not getting it in and out of the mechanic before all of this snow. It only took me a half hour of digging yesterday to get out to go to work. Not too bad. Could be worse. It could look like the back yard!

Nothing much new is going on. Boss and I have been working on putting a furnace in one of his rentals. At least three times a day I would still kill for a smoke. And the cats have been sucessfully dewormed. And I heard Pioneer public tv is hiring for a production/editor guy. Not sure about the exact title, a friend told me about it. I will probably check that out. Ooooooooo. How freaking exciting can this guy's life get? I cant stand the suspense! What will happen next? Will I win the lottery? Get a girlfriend? Get my Jeep back and have it run decent for a while? Life sure can be boring, sometimes. Sorry, but thats all I got for you folks. Just hopefully getting one last blast of winter. We have still been pretty spoiled this year. One week of storms really, and a ton of snow. In a normal year we get plenty o' stormage! Well, best get to finding other stuff to do than shovel! Later!
Rants, ideas, ponderings, and generally one sided views from a perpetually misinformed small town, big city, then small town again type of guy who is just plain trying to get it all figured out.

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Location: Montevideo, Minnesota, United States

Ive been described as handy, witty, generous, and a smooth talker. Now if any of its true or they were just being nice, I dont know.

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